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GTHost Reviews

Total Number of GTHost Reviews: 71
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  ( November 22, 2022 )
Instant server setup took 10 minutes.
Reminders were always prompt and friendly, and the transition from being on trail membership to full function was seamless. GTHost instant server setup took 10 minutes. It is rare to find such professional service in a web hosting provider these days.


  ( November 09, 2022 )
Fully satisfied user!
Well, I switched to GTHost from my previous host and to tell you the truth this cool web host has been better than the big, well-known one. I felt it was just too much, but I sent it in anyways. After few hours, my account was fully verified. My sites loads faster, support is 100 times better and it's half prize.


  ( October 26, 2022 )
Extremely fast web servers!
I am blown away regularly by how great their instant dedicated hosting service is. Everything positive I've read about GTHost has turned out to be true. I can recommend them. Things which I like: extremely fast web servers, absolutely friendly, professional communication, flexibility and room for growth within their system should I need it, options like SSH/sFTP and Wordpress installation.


  ( October 24, 2022 )
A happy customer, many thanks.
I have a number of sites I host with them and I would not hesitate to recommend then to other people. GTHost offers excellent value for money with lost of great features for what I consider a very reasonable price. I set up my service on a Monday afternoon and my account was set up by early that evening. A happy customer, many thanks.


  ( October 13, 2022 )
The tech support people respond very quickly!
Really nice web host. GTHost is a great instant server provider (setup takes over 10-15 mins). The tech support people respond very quickly and their explanations are clear and effective. My site is extremely simple and I've always been a little embarrassed that my host provides a huge set of tools that I never use.


  ( October 07, 2022 )
Uptime in my experience is 100%!
Uptime in my experience is 100%. Finally found a host that really takes care of its clients. Each of the ones I rejected had show stopping reasons for rejection: speed or reliability issues, lack of critical features, forced ads or something else. GTHost has no such problem.


  ( September 15, 2022 )
Wonderful network and server uptime!
The flexibility of GTHost storage dedicated server hosting is fantastic and has allowed us to move our business forward in a way which we could not have considered before without investing in dedicated servers and an admin. Highly recommend this provider to others.


  ( September 12, 2022 )
Nice hosting experience!!
Uptime on the hosting has been flawless, as far as I know. Recommended. GTHost UK server hosting is great and good web hosting provider. Thank to this web site I was able to created so nice web pages.


  ( September 02, 2022 )
Best instant server hosting service
If your server is fast, if you are getting help in time that means that you are with good provider. So I’m. I have a dedicated server account in the USA with GTHost and have all the stuff described above. Recommended.


  ( August 26, 2022 )
Best Instant Server Hosting!
Very helpful and friendly service. Best host ever. Enough said. Nice friendly team and helpful. When I have problems which usually are things that I have done wrong they are always resolved within minutes. I have been with GTHost storage server hosting for about 6 months and im happy and dont plan on changing.


  ( August 08, 2022 )
Easy to use, best price, great support
Instant dedicated servers? Yes.! I got server setup as instantly as I would get setup for shared hosting. I recommend these guys!

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